Couriers & Postage

The smooth running of any efficient business requires postage, and sometimes couriers too, depending on your business model. Whatever it is, you can’t survive without mailing invoices, letters, company brochures and even running a direct mail campaign.

Whatever your business, you need postage and that comes at a price.

A manageable price when you consolidate

Bulk mail is incredibly difficult to handle. There are solutions available from Royal Mail but they are pricey. You need sufficient outgoing mail to benefit from the lease and licencing costs of a franking machine.

Even if you do go the expensive route of using the franking machine to automate some of your outgoing mail tasks, you still need your staff to be manually stuffing the envelopes, feeding them through the franker and sorting them.

Mail Fulfilment Centres: Cheaper Mail Handling

The only thing you need to have a mail fulfilment centre handle all your outgoing mail is a Post Paid Impression (PPI) available from the Royal Mail. With that, you can supply it to a fulfilment centre and even include branded impressions to be stamped onto each of your envelopes.

The Workaround to Not Enough Volume

The only problem you will come up against is likely to be that you don’t mail out enough to make the outsourcing of your mail cost-efficient. The solution to that is to partner with The Procurement Group and consolidate your mail with other partners to benefit from the advantageous bulk price discounting.

Not only does it work out cheaper in the long run with service reliability built-in, but you get to free your staff up from dealing with the time consuming task of handling and preparing all the outgoing mail.

What we do:

Our specialist procurement officers work tirelessly with suppliers to secure the most advantageous courier and postage services available in the UK for less than you are used to paying.

We help you lower costs and improve delivery services for your business.

What We Cover:

  • Couriers
  • Parcel Services
  • UK Package Couriers
  • Mail
  • Postage

We have worked with many of our existing clients to tailor a solution to exactly what they need.

Talk to Us…

Give our team a call on 0800 0 193 244 and let us know what you are trying to accomplish with your postage and courier service and we will let you know how we can help you achieve your business objectives.

The Procurement Group

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