How can you buy better than us?

Because we aggregate. By adding your volume to ours we get better prices (economy of scale). So far we have a 100% success record, but if we can’t then our service doesn’t cost you a penny.

How much work is involved for me in the change-over?

Very little. We copy any invoices, ascertain the status of existing contracts and suggest cost savings. If we suggest a change of supplier we fill in the account application forms and get your account pre-cleared where possible. We then provide a full report which enables you to see all the necessary figures and make a decision.

What if I’m in contract with a supplier?

We ensure that you serve notice in a timely manner and diarise when the contract terminates so that we can review the costs ahead of that time.

We are happy with our existing suppliers.

We are not about changing suppliers; but we always look at removing any unnecessary overheads.

When do I pay for the savings?

If you accept our pricing suggestions, savings are paid for quarterly in arrears. They are therefore both profit & loss and cash positive.   In our Dec 2013 Client Survey 100% of respondents said we provide value for money with 85% rating us as excellent or very good in terms of the overall value for money we deliver.

We only want you to look at one area and it won’t be worth your while.

We’re happy to make the call on that. Give us the opportunity and let us decide.

Why do I need to sign an agreement?

From your side it lays down the timelines for us to provide information and states that the products and/or services that we quote for will at least match those you currently enjoy. From our side it merely confirms your commitment to pay us for the work done and information provided. It therefore protects the interests of both parties.

What if I’m not happy with the supplier you recommend?

You don’t have to use our suppliers. If you wish you can use our information to negotiate directly with your existing suppliers, or simply not go ahead and receive cost savings.

We have a lovely local supplier who we would like to support if they are competitive.

No problem, tell us whether or not you wish us to contact current or specific suppliers and we’ll act accordingly. Be aware though of how you may react if someone acting on behalf of your biggest customer contacted you and said that the business was up for competitive tender and that you needed to sharpen your pencil or run the risk of losing the business.

How do you negotiate?

We use best practise and only give suppliers one chance to quote. We are in regular contact with key suppliers in each of the markets in which we operate in order to maintain our price competitiveness. Our systems are constantly refined to ensure that we are aware of market prices, and your prices reflect this. We contact at least three suppliers with any requirement, and are always on the look out for new suppliers.

What happens if prices change after you negotiate?

Some markets rise and some fall – it’s our business to know which are which. If they are rising markets we will protect you against price increases by suggesting that you enter into a contract, e.g. gas and electricity at present. If they are dropping markets we will not tie you in to long term contracts and will pass on all price decreases during the period of our agreement.

How do you collect your information?

We need copy invoices which we will gladly copy on your premises. In addition we will need any passwords or other access information that you have in place on accounts, typically mobile and landline ‘phone accounts’.

How quick is your service?

We’ll have the information about how you can receive savings on your desk within 10 days of receiving the copy invoices – as long as your diary permits!! Savings can be on your bottom line within 1 month of you signing our agreement.

Our business is unique; a “standard” service will not help us.

All of our clients are unique. If we are unable to save you money it won’t cost you anything BUT if we can save you money….

Have you ever looked at….

The skills in our business are in identifying suppliers and negotiating the right outcome. We have deep knowledge in a wide variety of specific markets and, as always, if you give us the challenge and we can’t save you money it won’t cost you anything.

The Procurement Group

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